3DMETER.ZIP 15,627 07-18-95 3DMeter v2.0. VB "plug-in" code thatproduces a 3D meter capable of threeseparate 3D effects and various colors thateliminates the need for METER.VBX.
AGAVB20.ZIP 241,897 07-04-95 AGauge Control (VBX) Highly customizablegauge or meter control. Properties areprovided to modify gauge's scales, tics,needles, annulars, captions, border andbackground.
BITLIN1E.ZIP 55,661 09-01-95 Bitmap Liner for Windows. Horizontally linebitmap image to be used by ODList box. Alsoa VB source code sample demonstrating howODLIST.VBX may be used.
BM12.ZIP 36,360 07-18-95 ButtonMaker/VB v1.2. Generate bitmaps foruse in toolbars.
BRIDGIT.ZIP 142,056 08-09-95 Bridge It! for Windows. Reads your formfiles and generates the code to resize yourcontrols as the form changes sizes.
CALVBX.ZIP 30,517 07-18-95 Control to add a calendar easily to anyVisual Basic or Delphi project.
COPYCD60.ZIP 92,911 07-13-95 CopyCode v6.0. Open .BAS and .FRM fileswhile in VB so that you can cut-and-pastecode from another program to the currentone.
CSWSK10.ZIP 171,532 07-01-95 SocketWrench v1.0. Custom control providesnetwork communication services for yourVisual Basic application using a thirdpartyTCP/IP protocol stack and compatibleWindows Sockets library; offersclient/server functionalit
CTDEMO.ZIP 339,158 07-18-95 Component Toolbox Professional Editionv2.1. 26 general purpose demo VBX controls.
CUACTRLS.ZIP 252,093 07-18-95 CUA Controls - Collection of 22 VB controlsfor toolbars, tabbed dialogs, knobs,sliders, spin buttons and more.
DDD.ZIP 41,373 07-18-95 DDD Professional ToolKit v1.2. Small 8Kreplacement for THREED.VBX.
DRABAS12.ZIP 239,153 07-05-95 Basic Draw v1.2. Writes the basic sourcecode for drawings and graphics it is asource code generator.
EASYNET.ZIP 145,309 07-17-95 EasyNet v1.71. VBWin custom control thathelps you quickly draw and manage networkdiagrams.
EZFACE95.ZIP 113,250 07-18-95 EzFace 95 - Demo version of a VB 3.0 GUItemplate that gives your applications thelook and feel of Win95 and Microsoft Office.
GSSGRAD.ZIP 7,623 07-18-95 GSSGrad - VBX will put a gradientbackground on any form in any availableWindows color.
GSSTOOLS.ZIP 54,216 07-18-95 GSSTools - Four custom VB controlsincluding a clock, calendar, calculator,and gradient background.
GSSWALL.ZIP 10,352 07-18-95 GSSWall - VBX will put a wallpaperbackground on any form from any BMP youchoose.
HUGEAR10.ZIP 6,214 07-14-95 HugeArray VBX v1.0. Custom control suitablefor use with such programming languages asVB, VC and Delphi. It allows programmers touse 'huge' arrays64K in size) withoutresorting to the intricacies of the WindowsAPI.
LED_BAS.ZIP 14,539 07-18-95 LED v2.0. VB "plug-in" code module thatproduces an LED meter capable of threeseparate colors that eliminates the needfor any VBXs.
LOCALZ.ZIP 147,183 07-18-95 Makefile Localizer - Edits your makefile toupdate the paths to your local settings.
LOGIP100.ZIP 29,122 08-07-95 Logicaip v1.0. Provides all winsock connectservices and full control on data flow fromand to internet servers.
NAVBTN.ZIP 15,953 07-18-95 NavButton - Provides a set of buttons toreplace the buttons attached to the DataControl which are separate from the control(so they can be placed anywhere on yourform and can be sized).
ODOVB20.ZIP 121,224 07-02-95 Odometer Control (VBX) This control is anumeric display similar to an automobile'sodometer or tripometer.
PPREVBAS.ZIP 190,435 07-11-95 Print Preview v1.5. Replaces the printerobject in VB v3.0. Allows for a single setof code to output information to the screenand/or the printer.
PSNP10.ZIP 248,700 07-12-95 ProjectSnap for VB v1.00. Load, compile,execute projects in a snap! Select from acomplete list of projects on your system.Saves time and needless directorynavigation.
PT_VB.ZIP 750,795 07-18-95 PowerTCP VB Demo Toolkit. Provides testedTCP/IP code for application developers whoneed VBXs to minimize cost and completiontime.
QUADCOM.ZIP 15,630 07-12-95 QuadCOM v4.1. Serial system library writtenin assembler for QB4.x, BC6.x, BC7.x PDS,VBDOS1.x. 4 COM ports open at once, userdefinable card addresses and IRQ's,XON/XOFF RTS/CTS handshaking, rates up to115,200 bps, 1655
QUOTEZ11.ZIP 24,071 07-13-95 Quotez VBX v1.1. Custom control suitablefor use with such programming languages asVB, VC and Delphi. Selects random wittyquotations from a customisable data file(initially containing 409 such quotations).
REGFORM.ZIP 8,904 07-20-95 Registration Form 4 s/w prog. With vb Addit to any project, and with 1 line of codeyou now have a registration form.
SELVB20.ZIP 299,172 07-04-95 Selector Control v2.0. VBX control is aknob style selector. Good alternative tooption buttons.
SNDXSW.ZIP 15,871 07-18-95 Sndx v2.0. Custom control used to createSoundEx and Metaphone codes that are usedin database applications to give easy namelookup routines.
SPIN.ZIP 16,365 07-18-95 Spin v2.0. VB "plug-in" code module thatproduces a 1K Spin control that eliminatesthe need for SPIN.VBX.
SRCHHIST.ZIP 70,654 07-18-95 SearcHistory v1.3. Provides a history listof the last 20 text search arguments in theVisual Basic programming environment.
TIPDAY.ZIP 25,002 07-19-95 Tip of the Day v1.0. VB "plug-in" form andcode module. Reproduces the "Tip Of TheDay" screen that is used by large softwaremanufacturers.
TOGVB20.ZIP 158,300 07-04-95 Toggle Switch Control v2.0. Versatiletoggle switch control which displays textor user-defined bitmaps to represent theon/off states. The control has advancedsettings for sound, blinking, and autoshutoff.
VBCR20.ZIP 855,770 07-10-95 VB Code Recycler v2.0. Versatile codelibrary for VB Pro 3.0+. It attaches itselfto VB using a single toolbutton, soadding/recalling code is a single mouseclick away. You can easily add informationsuch as author, sourc
VBRESIZE.ZIP 32,297 07-11-95 ReSize v2.00. Invisible Visual Basic 3.0custom control. When placed on a form itcauses all controls on the form to resizeproportionally as the form is resized.
VBROTARY.ZIP 18,531 07-13-95 VBRotary Code v1.0. Free VB source code forprinting Rotary (Rolodex) Cards to thePrinter Object or a Form. Prints 2-1/4" x4" or 3" x 5" cards with many options.
VBTRACE.ZIP 386,142 07-08-95 VBTrace - Visual Basic developer's tool fortracing program flow at runtime.
VBU17.ZIP 103,006 08-04-95 Text listing all existing Visual Basic PD &Shareware files by type, with release dateand short description.
WIN95TAB.ZIP 22,071 07-19-95 Win95 Tab Controls. Provides threedifferent forms with a distinctive Windows95 look. Sample and bitmaps included.
ZIPSRV14.ZIP 928,131 07-06-95 ZIPserver v1.4 for Windows. Adds 2 newfunctions to the Visual Basic Language: ZIPand Unzip. Comes with ZIPserv.Dll. Stillthe fastest and simpliest tool forcreating, updating, viewing and extractingPKZIP 2.04 compatibl